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AWI Repro Masterclass

Your one-stop-shop for the latest research, benchmarks, targets and tools for all things repro.
Join us for the half-day AWI Repro Masterclass™ in Campbell Town to hear about:
- Latest research and publications
- Essential sources of information
- Critical actions, benchmarks and targets
- Balancing all the priorities
- Optimising performance in:
- Ram health and performance
- Conception rates
- Managing weaners to first joining
- Joining ewe lambs
- Making scanning work for you
- Managing twins and triplets
- Getting live lambs on the ground
- Year-on-year improvement
- Key timing and actions for repro success
- Where to next?
Delivered by Dr Jason Trompf.
Morning tea, lunch and resources included.
Registration is open from 8:30 am and the Masterclass runs from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Lunch is served from 1:00 pm and gives you the chance to catch up with other growers and the speakers or grab & go.
Registrations are ESSENTIAL by Thursday 20 February. Tickets are limited. Register now to ensure you don’t miss out on securing your spot!
Please contact AWI Extension TAS at awiextensiontas@wool.com if you have any questions about this workshop.