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AWI flagship one-day workshops

Are you interested in attending one or more of Australian Wool Innovation's flagship one-day workshops?
Are you interested in attending one or more of Australian Wool Innovation's flagship one-day workshops?
We're keen to hear from you about what, when, and where!
All respondents go in the draw to win 1 of 5 tickets to attend a Picking Performer Ewes workshop (normally $75 per person).
NOTE: Survey closes 5:00pm Sunday 3 November.
[NEW] Picking Performer Ewes is aimed at lifting the lifetime performance, productivity, and value of Merino ewes. The workshop covers the reproductive cycle, ‘passengers vs. performers’, scanning, condition scoring and wet & drying at marking, lambing and weaning well, and mapping out a management calendar.
RAMping Up Repro focuses on improving ram performance and working longevity in commercial sheep enterprises. The hands-on workshop covers pre-joining ram inspections, anatomy, physiology, spermatogenesis, metabolic demands, health, disease & biosecurity, and the financial impact of the ram team.
Winning With Weaners is for woolgrowers looking to improve weaner management of their Merino flock, targeting 95% weaner survival to one year of age. The workshop covers key issues affecting survival and performance, mortality and illthrift, nutrition, weaner growth and weight targets, and developing a management calendar.
SimpliFly™ is designed to help woolgrowers reduce the incidence and impact of flystrike on their flocks and profits. The practical workshop focuses on improving the management of flystrike in commercial sheep enterprises; reducing cost, production losses and welfare impacts.
[NEW] ClassiFly™ is designed to increase woolgrower knowledge and skills in sheep classing and selection strategies for improved flystrike resistance, to reduce the risk of flystrike in mulesed and non-mulesed sheep; reducing labour, and reliance on chemical use, mulesing and crutching.
[NEW] StrateFly™ is designed to improve woolgrowers' understanding of the tools available to them if they wish to develop a non-mulesed strategy for their enterprise. The workshop covers rebalancing the use and timing of crutching, shearing, chemical use, classing, and selection, to make the transition.