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AWI Repro Masterclass

Your one-stop-shop for the latest research, benchmarks, targets and tools for all things repro.
Your one-stop-shop for the latest research, benchmarks, targets and tools for all things repro.
Join us for the half-day AWI Repro Masterclass™ at Campbell Town Showgrounds on Thursday 27 February to hear about:
- Latest research and publications
- Essential sources of information
- Critical actions, benchmarks and targets
- Balancing all the priorities
- Optimising performance in:
- Ram health and performance
- Conception rates
- Managing weaners to first joining
- Joining ewe lambs
- Making scanning work for you
- Managing twins and triplets
- Getting live lambs on the ground
- Year-on-year improvement
- Key timing and actions for repro success
- Where to next?
Delivered by Dr Jason Trompf.
Morning tea, lunch and resources included.
Registration is open from 8:30 am and the Masterclass runs from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Lunch is served from 1:00 pm and gives you the chance to catch up with other growers and the speakers or grab & go.
$50 per person. Registrations are ESSENTIAL by Thursday 20 February. Tickets are limited. Register now to ensure you don’t miss out on securing your spot!
Please contact AWI Extension TAS at awiextensiontas@wool.com if you have any questions about this workshop.